©Ana Sastrias 2013
You have been with me and against me
You, the inseparable element in my terrene reality
You enter my body and my subconscious mind every second
Human beings think they can control You and measure You
The flow of things, the wind that pushes the trees and the leaves that fly away
The changes of colours in the sky, the different seasons, the urge to eat and sleep
The image in the mirror of myself that reflects the different facets of age
The different way my body works and moves slowing me down
If you did not exist, we would not exist as well
We have created You and we have been victims of You
I do not care about You all day, but I know You exist
I hate to be submitted to the rules some people created about your use
They say, at this hour you have breakfast, then morning tea
Then, at this hour you have lunch or “dinner”, then afternoon tea
Then, at this hour you have dinner or “tea”
I got Time and I want to use You as I please
I want You to be my friend and my best companion
I do not want You to be my slaver, mi villain, my nemesis
A Deadline, like if our Destiny was to be at the front of the battle ready to be killed
They say that “Life is too short”, so why suffer so much about Time?
But also it is true that shortage of Time can drive us into Despair
They say “Time is Money”, but I would say that you cannot buy Time
You cannot go back in Time and experience again your childhood in your kindred body
Only in your memories
Only the demented or vegetating people possibly can do without Time,
But I must admit that they would drive everyone else around them on the Clock
Now I got Time in solitude,
Something I have not been used to for quite a while.
It seems that for so many years yearning for spare time and not having it as much
Has left me vulnerable in front of so much spare time to think about how to use it.
It looks like I have been the beneficiary of a Will that granted me Spare Time.
So, Time is not relevant
Time is always there
Time does not disappear or hides away
What we make relevant is the Use of Time
The Use of Time has defined cultures, businesses, institutions, education science.
The Use of Time has shaped our physiology, society, habits, communications and rites.
The Seconds, Minutes and Hours,
Days, Months and Years,
Centuries and Millenniums
will always be there in the Ether.
Our bodies are changing in Life until we passed on to Death, but Time continues and overpasses our Existence.
Time contains us All
We all share the Time in different ways
Time has shaped us All
until we cannot hold Life
defining our remain Existence
I got Time
I got Life
I Exist
Ana Sastrias
South Penrith, NSW, Australia
8:00 pm
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