©Ana Sastrias 2008
©Ana Sastrias 2008
Reality does not exist,
but flows and disappears
every second of existence.
Reality is inside,
and nowhere
to contain.
Reality is so heavy,
and at the same time
so unattainable
that is recommended to deny
than to be able
to abide.
Reality can be a dream,
a real dream..
dreaming in reality,
playing of living
and living for playing.
When dreams are stolen,
a bit of reality is too.
When time is wasted,
a bit of life is too.
When love is scarce,
a bit of soul is too.
Between True and False,
Dreams and Reality,
Good and Bad,
everyone is the same.
Between Rich and Poor,
Dreams and Reality,
Happy and Sad,
everyone plays the game.
Between Hunger and Thirst,
Dreams and Reality,
Memory and Oblivion,
everyone laments the same.
Reality lives in a duality,
that will never be detached.
Between living and dying,
all the realities become dreams,
and some dreams become realities.
Between living and dying,
some loves remain and
some loves are taken away,
some just never happened and,
some become hate.
Nothing is real, nothing is a dream?
Is it just an illusion, or is it just a life?
While touching, is it really touching?
When kissing, is it really kissing?
When talking, is it talking?
When loving, is it loving?
All is in our head,
just in our dreams,
as in our inner realities.
Ana Sastrias
4- March – 2008
20:20 hrs
South Penrith, Sydney
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